We also offer Fine Arts Photography Excursions, where travelers learn photography tips and techniques, while experiencing the beauty and intricacies of other cultures. OWOC Travelers live like the locals, meet new friends, and shoot photos in the countryside, beaches, caves, and cities.
One World One Canvas impacts us all, as traveling teens return with a renewed outlook on life and spread that enthusiasm throughout our own communities. They gain an appreciation for what they have, what they can give, and what they can do without. It is a life-changing experience they will remember forever. Their smiles say it all! |
One World One Canvas service trips feature art workshops. Locals make and keep functional items like hats and shirts. Our travelers teach the art lessons to disadvantaged kids bringing joy and laughter. OWOC members paint murals, schools, and orphanages and deliver food to desolate villages. Travelers return with a worldly sophistication and generous attitude as they learn to appreciate what they have.
Join the OWOC Team: If you are led in your heart to donate, you will be making a difference in the world by giving teenagers an extraordinary ambassador experience, and by helping those in need while we unite cultures through ART!!!